New York City has passed a new carbon emissions law, Intro 1253-C, for both new and existing buildings in the five boroughs over 25,000 square feet, limiting the amount of carbon generated per year dependent on the building's occupancy type.

The groundbreaking legislation requires significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from both new and existing buildings. The first threshold is on 2024, with much steeper reductions required by 2030. Vidaris can help estimate where you are compared with these thresholds.
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Though SOCOTEC estimates that some buildings already meet the 2024 requirements, we anticipate that most buildings will need to be modified to meet the stringent requirements of 2030.
Measuring to the thresholds for existing buildings is an easy task. Predicting the actual energy use of buildings still in design is a much more complex issue. We have done this for many years, on hundreds of simply- and complex-designed New York City buildings.
SOCOTEC integrates the building envelope and HVAC so that on new buildings, the envelope can drive lower HVAC costs. For existing buildings we offer solutions that reduce energy use without creating unintended consequences (e.g., condensation, mold, spalling, etc.).
Our track record on low energy is strong: Having the first and multiple US Net-zero building, Passive House buildings, assessment of the first BREEAM International New Construction (INC) project in the US, and many others, we have the skills to help your project(s) with our joint practice that combines envelope consulting, renovation advice, commissioning and building sciences. Our experience has been gained through helping designers, inspecting during construction, and providing solutions post-occupancy.
Written by Michelle Maxwell, Marketing Manager

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