Structural Analysis
SOCOTEC has performed analyses of wide-ranging structures associated with buildings, infrastructure and power plant facilities subject to degraded conditions and or severe loading including seismic, wind, pressurization, and blast loading to demonstrate qualification and fitness-for-service. Analysis methods include both static representation and non-linear transient loadings.
Qualifications have been performed to meet AISC, ACI and NCC code qualification requirements. SOCOTEC’s technical experts have utilized codes such as ANSYS, STAAD, SAP, ABAQUS, and GT-Strudl to perform structural qualifications.
Blast Load Modeling
As nuclear power plants’ security plans are updated, movement of vehicle barrier systems (VBS) can occur for better plant ergonomics and operation. As a result, the minimum required standoff distances to design basis threats can be challenged. SOCOTEC's experience and ability to perform sophisticated computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach to predicted blast pressures on critical infrastructure can result in reduced standoff distances being acceptable. Our engineers have performed evaluations from the assessment of a specific guard post to all critical assets at a plant site. Our ability to utilize both sophisticated computer analysis combined with routine damage assessments methods can be performed to assess assets in a timely manner.
Heavy Load Handling and Load Drop Evaluations
The life expectancy of components is continually challenged with the aging of the nuclear fleet in the US. This often results in degraded conditions that require assessments to support continued plant operation. SOCOTEC’s engineers have evaluated many such components, often with tight schedules necessary to support determinations. We can quickly mobilize experts to work independently or with plant teams to develop the technical basis in support of plant operability determinations.
Vehicle Impact Dynamics
Ongoing security upgrades at nuclear power plants throughout the world utilize vehicle barrier systems (VBS) as the first line of defense. LPI's technical experts have performed numerous studies of vehicle dynamics and resulting impact into the VBS to develop appropriate sizing. Our work has included vehicle terrain evaluation and resulting impact velocity prediction modeling.

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