Project nameNortheast Cable Connector Manufacturer v. Cable Connector Manufacturers Design Patent Infringement Matter

Client: Confidential -- Northeast Cable Connector Manufacturer

Location: Northeast, proceedings in Florida & Arizona

Services Provided: Intellectual Property & Infringement Services, Finance & Economic Damages, Dispute Resolution, Commercial Dispute

SOCOTEC was retained by Counsel for a Northeast cable connector manufacturer to evaluate damages resulting from a design patent infringement. Our client cable connector manufacturer brought suit against a number of competing manufacturers for the alleged infringement of its design patent for closed compression-type coaxial cable connectors. Our professionals performed a detailed analysis of the costs and revenues realized by the infringing manufacturers. We performed an “accounting of profits” damage calculation for each matter. In addition, we analyzed and calculated the number of convoyed sales lost by our client as a result of the infringing sales of the other cable connector manufacturers. 

Our analyses and conclusions were presented at trials in Florida and Arizona. In the Florida proceedings, our damage calculation was accepted by the jury, and the judgment in our client’s favor was upheld on appeal. A global resolution was reached between our client and the Arizona infringer shortly after the Arizona trial.

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Rodney Sowards Senior Principal Veritas a SOCOTEC Company


Managing Principal, Executive Director

Managing Principal, Executive Director +1 214 720 1995

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