SOCOTEC’s Project Risk Analysis Team assists clients with balancing the contingencies of risk with specific contractual, financial, operational, organizational, and political requirements. By identifying potential risks during the pre-execution phase, we assist our clients in preventing increased costs, delays, and disruptions. Our risk analysis and management process entails identifying construction risks and exposures, and formulating an effective risk management strategy to mitigate the potential for loss. SOCOTEC helps clients identify and manage risk throughout the engineering and construction process from planning through completion.
Project Risk Management & Analysis
SOCOTEC understands construction and engineering projects increase in complexity; therefore, the magnitude of risk involved for owners, contractors, architects, engineers, investors, and financial institutions increases the possibility of negative impacts on projects. Our construction professionals adapt to the continuously changing engineering and construction industries while maintaining proven practices and procedures throughout the construction process. SOCOTEC’s risk management team identifies and provides detailed comprehensive analysis of potential project impacts by utilizing the following techniques:
Risk Management Techniques
- Risk Simulations and Analysis
- CPM Schedule Analysis
- Quantifying Expected Values and Modeling Risk Profiles
- Decreasing Risk Aversion
- Due Diligence
Risk Management Assessments
- Contract and Specification Requirements
- Constructability Review
- Budgetary and Final Project Costs
- Assess Financial Viability of Potential Subcontractors/JV Partners
- Survey and Record Pre-Construction Conditions (adjacent areas, access roads, etc.)
- Schedule Acceleration
- Change Order Identification and Approval
- Request for Information (RFI) Assessment
- Construction Methodology
- Delays and Disruptions
- Termination/De-Scoping Assessment and Recommendation
- Damages Assessment

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Lender & Acquisition Consulting Services
Description: Our consultants assist with reviewing ongoing operations of a company and recommending “best practices” to improve those operations. We have extensive experience in resolving troubled business situations by mitigating cost overruns and implementing pro-active risk control measures. We provide a variety of services throughout the construction process from planning to project close-out.
Business Consulting
Our professionals’ strong backgrounds and degrees in accounting and finance enable us to efficiently and effectively obtain and analyze relevant financial and economic information to be used by our clients in the context of both litigation and non-litigation matters.
The following are examples of some of the services we have provided in the past to our clients on general consulting engagements:
- Asset valuation
- Business valuation
- Acquisition review
- Economic modeling
- Financial and accounting fact finding
- Information management
- Analysis of internal controls
Want to know more about our Project Risk Analysis services?