Digital Inspection Toolkit
SOCOTEC has developed the Wise-Back digital inspection toolkit to increase speed, safety and accuracy of work performed in the field in a variety of industries.
Wise-Back offers a unique approach to data inspection organization that’s cloud-based, automated and mobile-friendly. The toolkit promotes fast, safe, more focused fieldwork inspections and walkdowns. It enables users to cover more ground with each excursion by offering a total hands-free experience, from data gathering to final report generation.
Hardware Platform Built for the Field
SOCOTEC’s Wise-Back toolkit offers a suite of tools for engineering testing, inspection and certification (ETIC). Wise-Back offers a streamlined, customized approach to field data collection that runs across multiple devices. Among the wide variety of integrated tools are a headset computer, tablet, cameras and video, sensors and measuring devices.
Force Multiplication and Resource Integration
Wise-Back features real-time voice/video/data communications, allowing remote users in the field access to home office resources and guidance. There’s no need to carry drawings and documents into the field. Inspection checklists can be filled out via voice command. A cloud-data repository assures that field data will be safe and secure.
Home office users have instant access to field data for fast evaluation. Using the integrated cameras, offsite remote experts can see through the eyes of users in the field. They can troubleshoot complex problems remotely, supply resources and receive additional details in real time. Leveraging offsite talent pools eliminates logistical hurdles imposed by more traditional methods and greatly increases productivity.
Workflow and Document Control
Wise-Back features standardized data structures and forms, along with networked data collection capabilities to allow swapping of forms and other documents between multiple users. The system offers workflow optimization and task control, providing on-line procedures, compliance checklists and even personnel qualification records.

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Wise-Back Use Cases
Energy Audits
Many municipalities require that new buildings incorporate energy efficiency measures in their designs. In addition, performance must be monitored over the life of the building. To meet these requirements, building owners conduct continuous energy audits of building envelopes, mechanical systems, electrical systems to gauge energy consumption. By their nature, energy audits are always performed away from the home office. Wise-Back allows an auditor to carry an entire suite of tools and sensors on the tool belt. With Wise-Back, the user can
• Access procedures remotely
• Update checklists and test results forms at the job site
• Communicate with remote experts
• Collect photographic, video and audio records
• Use integrated specialized sensors, such as FLIR and flowmeters
Accident Reconstruction
At the site of an underground utility failure, investigators must comb wreckage and debris fields in search of evidence. This may entail entering tight areas and confined spaces where freedom of motion is limited and it is impossible to use conventional data gathering tools.
Wise-back’s voice-controlled helmet camera and light allows hands-free photo and video data collection. With voice data input, there’s no need for clipboards, pads and writing instruments. With the extender
Structural Monitoring
Field users can take advantage of Wise-Back’s photo, video and audio capabilities to document the condition of aging structures. Real-time communications to home office resources such as Change Detection System or Digital Imaging Correlation enables condition assessment to be performed in parallel. Automated data collection/organization and report generation reduce the process time.
Want to know more about our Wise-Back Digital Inspection Toolkit?